“India I loved before I came away. Now the very dust of India has become holy to me, the very air is now to me holy; it is now the holy land, the place of pilgrimage, the tirtha.”
Know India - Love India - Serve India
Jñāna - Bhakti - Sevā
This is the saṅkalpa which Vivekananda Institute of Human Excellence (VIHE), Ramakrishna Math, Hyderabad, has undertaken, to instill knowledge of, love for, and service towards India in the young generations. Bṛhat is honored to serve this saṅkalpa, and join the campaign: Know India (Jñāna) - Love India (Bhakti) - Serve India (Sevā).

Through this campaign, VIHE, in association with Bṛhat, will work to inculcate Indian Knowledge Systems (IKS) into young minds, helping them understand how Bhāratīya culture provides solutions to functional problems while simultaneously elevating the consciousness of the individual.
Since its origins in the ancient past, India has always pursued truth. Indian Knowledge Systems (IKS) represents this compendium of wisdom, jñāna, that has been distilled through the works of greats for the benefit of mankind. Unfortunately, aided by technology and modern lifestyle, there has been a disconnect between modern Indians and this rich cultural knowledge, which is their heritage. The cultural gulf fostered due to an ignorance of the country was predicted by Swami Vivekananda ji when he called out the colonial education as a “negative education”, which depletes śraddhā in its recipients.
In the age of information today, jñāna must become the keystone to inform sevā and bhakti. The curiosity of young minds is being placated by foreign knowledge paradigms which, though rich in facts and figures, exacerbates the crisis of meaning. It leaves the mind unprepared. Understanding this, IKS prescribes meditation and deep reflection (ciṅtana and manana) in addition to perception and inference to fully develop the mind.
This campaign is aimed at remedying the current situation, and bringing back the knowledge and sense of duty which Swami ji spoke about.
Campaign Components
Know India (Jñāna)
Recognition of value is preceded by knowing of worth. An exposition on IKS can help learners understand the expanse and depth of Indian wisdom, much of which is still to be shared fully with the world.
Love India (Bhakti)
Once a foregrounding in knowledge happens, it is inevitable for devotion towards the motherland to be kindled. This bhakti generates a sense of belonging and rootedness, resolving the identity crisis that many people face today.
Serve India (Sevā)
The expression of love is in service. As Swami ji constantly pointed out, sevā and tyāga are the bedrock on which Indian civilization is built. Armed with knowledge and with a sense of love towards the country, individuals can work tirelessly for the cause of nation building.
While we have advanced and wrested independence for ourselves, we are still mentally colonized. There is still a trace of servility left that hinders us from working with detachment; working like ‘masters’. This campaign is designed in this 3 step process for individuals to familiarize themselves with their country, shed all sense of servility, and then serve it with all their heart.
Through a series of lectures on various topics of IKS, we will touch upon the constituents of jñāna in India, which will serve as a knowledge anchor for the learners. Topics will broadly include:
- Development of the dhārmika mind through introduction to the lectures of Swami Vivekananda from Colombo to Almora, and other related works.
- Sustainable practices in Indian art and culture through the knowledge of Hindu iconography and aesthetics.
- Polity, society and leadership in IKS through introduction to itihāsas and civilizational public policy.